I always wanted to fly like a bird and when I turned 21 I signed up for my first hang gliding lesson. From the moment my feet left the ground I was hooked! From that point on I have devoted the last 14 years to hang gliding and all of my free time with 100% of my heart. I’ve been blessed with the past nine consecutive seasons of full time hang gliding, traveling throughout British Columbia central Mexico the southwestern US and most recently Maui and Ecuador. I have found indescribable moments soaring with birds and seeing wildlife along cross-country flights such as bears and mountain goats. Passing snowy peaks and glaciated lakes. Flying in such a bird like fashion has increased not only my understanding and appreciation for the natural environment but also a humble reverence for the beauty and power that assists us Freebirds in this wonderful activity HANG GLIDING!
When I am not flying hang gliders I enjoy creating art in the form of painting and poetry I also enjoy dirt bike riding, reading a good novel, and swimming in our cold BC rivers on a hot summer day.